CBD Infusion "Grandmother's Remedy" - Nobilis - 25gr
☕️ Directions for use:
Leave to infuse for around ten minutes in boiling water with a fatty substance, such as cow's milk or any vegetable milk (almond, hazelnut, soya, etc.).
Why add a fatty substance to your tea bag with CBD?
Simply because cannabidiol (CBD), and all the active ingredients in hemp, are hydrophobic! In other words, they need lipids to travel through your body and let you benefit from all their virtues.
️Infusion storage :
Infusions are particularly sensitive to humidity.
So, as with tea, they should be stored in an airtight bag, ideally away from light.
In the right conditions, your tea bag will reveal its full well-being and taste potential for at least 6 months.
Nobilis Product values :
Nous aimons les produits bien faits, c’est pourquoi nous sommes fiers de notre partenariat avec la marque française Nobilis Product. L’équipe Nobilis Product croit en l’efficacité des cannabinoïdes pour aider les gens au quotidien. Cependant le Chanvre est une plante à démystifier et Nobilis sait que cela viendra du professionnalisme< des acteurs de la filière Chanvrière. C’est pourquoi leurs produits sont à l’image de leurs valeurs.
Quality: Nobilis products are made from raw materials sourced from organic or responsible farming to get the best out of CBD.
✅ Traceability: All their products are traced from seed to finished product, and analyzed at every stage of manufacture by an independent laboratory.
French manufacturing: Nobilis products are made in France, in the Doubs region (25), and boast unrivalled quality standards that are reflected in the satisfaction of our customers.