
Hemeka Candy Pack

Hemeka Candy Pack

THC-free candy for your most demanding customers! Implement the whole range in one click with this pack containing 20 boxes of lozenges. You receive 5 units of each flavor.
Each box contains 50 candies.

Pack details:
- 5x Boxes of CBD 10 mg honey candies - "Honey Sweets" (50 candies)
- 5x Tins of Pine Bud & CBD candies (50 candies)
- 5x Boxes of "Verbena & CBD Pastilles" candies (50 candies)
- 5x Tins of "Fresh Mint & CBD" candies (50 candies)

Save €24.90 and gain €56.19 in resale value. 

⇊ For more details see description below ⇊

Recommended retail price (€)

19,90 €

Product types (General)




Cannabinoids per serving

10 mg



Wholesaler of Pack Bonbons Hemeka

THC-free candy for your most demanding customers! Implement the whole range in one click with this pack containing 20 boxes of lozenges. You receive 5 units of each flavor.
Each box contains 50 candies.

Pack details:
- 5x Boxes of CBD 10 mg honey candies - "Honey Sweets" (50 candies)

- 5x Boxes of Pine Bud & CBD candies (50 candies)

- 5x "Verbena & CBD Pastilles" candy boxes (50 candies)

- 5x "Fresh Mint & CBD" candy boxes (50 candies)

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Hemeka Candy Pack
Hemeka Candy Pack